Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Long journeys, single steps...

I'm going to have to fly to make my goal here. So, I just had this idea this evening so bear with me as its more than likely going to evolve in the next few day.

I consider myself a pretty average American. I rail against the idea of being 'average', but for a lot of folks I suppose that in itself is normal. I know there's a lot of things normal folks do that I don't and vice versa, but over all I am stressed out, a little overweight, and too busy. I have my vices, poor eating habits, and worse sleeping habits. I drive a car, surf the internet, drink pop, and eat Twinkies.

Yep. I'm an American.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but we do, on the whole, have some bad habits. We're out of touch with the world around us. We're out of touch with ourselves. We say and mean one thing, while constantly doing another.

I'd like to change that. Not overnight and not in some extreme way, but bit by bit, action by action I hope to achieve some sort of harmony.

I don't mean some sort of New Age spiritual enlightenment. I just want to do what I say and live what I believe.

For example, the whole BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico issue really irks me. I take every chance I get to run my mouth about the problem, but what am I DOING about it? Why am I still part of a system that spews this stuff out of the ground(or ocean) just so we can burn it up and blow it into the atmosphere? Do I have to live this way?

I want to approach these questions, and a thousand others, with honesty, practicality, and sound judgment. I don't intend to have a knee jerk reaction current events and self-improvement articles. I want to learn real and sustainable practices that I can use to form new habits. Habits that will allow me to be more genuine, more 'in tune' with my life and environment.

If you're interested in anything I'm saying here, or have any specific areas you'd like to address. Keep watching this site. Starting today, June 1, 2010, and going on for the next year, till June 1 of 2011, I hope to research, consider, and implement these kinds of practices. All while recording the results regularly.

It's going to be a long j0urney. But this is a first step. Hopefully there are many more to follow.

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